Chair Massage
Chair massage is a short stress reducing massage given to an employee in a comfortable and portable massage chair. Massages last from 5 to 30 minutes directly through the clothing. The supportive chair massage is provided by a licensed therapist and can be easily set up in almost any location. The therapist will work on tension mostly in the upper body (back, shoulders, neck, scalp, arms, hands and lower back) based on each persons individual needs.
Chair massage at the office has many benefits for the employee:
Contact us to discuss your goals and to schedule your corporate chair massage session.
This can be paid for several different ways: by the company, company and employee % split, or employee paid at time of service.
Our fee is $120.00 per hour per therapist. There is a 3 hour minimum. We look forward to hearing from you to discuss your corporate needs.
Chair massage is a short stress reducing massage given to an employee in a comfortable and portable massage chair. Massages last from 5 to 30 minutes directly through the clothing. The supportive chair massage is provided by a licensed therapist and can be easily set up in almost any location. The therapist will work on tension mostly in the upper body (back, shoulders, neck, scalp, arms, hands and lower back) based on each persons individual needs.
Chair massage at the office has many benefits for the employee:
- Reduces muscle tension, repetitive strain injuries, low back pain, reduces blood pressure and improves circulation.
- Provides a change of pace so the body can rest and rejuvenate which increases attention, alertness, morale, teamwork and work quality.
- Leaves person feeling relaxed, refreshed and ready to return to work with a better mood to go the extra mile for your company.
- Cost effective way to improve effectiveness, enhance work relations in the office and with customers, and a great incentive for achieving goals or completing projects.
- It is a wellness program people will use because it is convenient, relieves tension and strain before it becomes a problem and feels great.
- When employers invest in the well-being of their employees, the return is loyalty, improved morale and less sick time or employee turnover.
- Designate a coordinator who will help with scheduling, logistics, and the announcements.
- Find a location that is suitable for the event, a time perhaps during lunch or between shifts and encourage managers and individuals to sign up for the massage in 5 to 30 minute increments.
- Let them know you support the program which can be done for a Wellness Program, Health Fair, Employee Appreciation Day, busy work seasons, and special on-site or off-site events.
- We provide you with a professional licensed massage therapist, comfortable massage chair, insurance and more based on your needs.
Contact us to discuss your goals and to schedule your corporate chair massage session.
This can be paid for several different ways: by the company, company and employee % split, or employee paid at time of service.
Our fee is $120.00 per hour per therapist. There is a 3 hour minimum. We look forward to hearing from you to discuss your corporate needs.